Ten Important Financial Literacy Terms and Meanings

Person saving money in a piggy bank. Sandy Spring Bank
Financial literacy isn’t just a nice to have, it’s critical for anyone who wants to take charge of their finances instead of having their finances take charge of them. The foundation for a solid understanding of financial literacy is speaking the language and to help we put together this post of financial terms and their meanings.

Women’s History Month 2024

March is Women’s History Month and we are pleased to share stories of some notable women who made their mark in financial services. Abigail Adams, First Female Investor. Abigail Adams, the wife of President John Adams, was America's first documented female investor. Adams managed the financial affairs for the household while her husband served in the war and, later, in the White House.

Black History Month Snapshots 2024

Washington Monument and reflecting pool. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote "I have a dream"
Leaders and Change Agents in the Financial Services Industry In recognition of Black History Month, we're sharing snapshots of Black Americans who were and are pioneers in their industries, with a special focus on financial services.

Money Smart Travel Tips

Traveling and Money
Whether you are traveling nearby or around the world, there are some proactive steps you can take to ensure you and your money stay safe. To help take some of the stress out of the travel experience, here are our favorite tips on dealing with your...

Talking to Kids About Money

Kids saving money. Sandy Spring Bank
This week we are thrilled to share this post by guest author Michael Limerez. Michael has been with Sandy Spring Bank for a number of years, starting just two weeks after his 18th birthday. He has worked in many areas of the bank, including Operations, the Client Service Center, and Treasury Services. He is currently the Manager of the Treasury Management Service and Support area of the bank.

4 Tips Every First-Time Homebuyer Should Know

Family enjoying their new home
Buying a home can at first seem like a daunting process, from the initial search to signing the last document at closing, and there’s no doubt that there’s a lot to keep in mind. However, buying a home is most likely the largest purchase you will...