Home Equity Loans

Man and woman talking to a man in a hard hat discussing plans in a room under construction. Sandy Spring Bank Home Equity Loans

Would a home equity loan make you a hero? 

Apply Now

Be the hero who pays for the wedding or surprises that special someone with their dream trip, all thanks to the equity in your home. If you have a major expense, then a Home Equity Loan may be the answer.

A Home Equity loan is a fixed-rate, fixed-term loan secured by your primary residence designed to help with one-time needs, such as a trip, wedding, college tuition or debt consolidation.

Affordable rates and cash at closing.
  • Minimal costs and fees.1
  • Set monthly payments that help you budget.
  • Fixed interest rate to provide peace of mind.
  • Terms up to 30 years for lower payments.
  • A 0.25% rate reduction is available when monthly payments are automatically deducted from your Sandy Spring Bank checking or savings account.

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Disclosure

    View our Fair Lending Policy statement. ยป 

    Loan program subject to change without notice and cancellation at any time. Actual qualification is subject to verification and approval of income, credit, property appraisal and other factors. Additional fees, terms and conditions may apply. Other rates and terms are available. Please consult your tax adviser regarding tax deductibility.

    Home Equity Loan
    1To open an account, you must pay certain fees (closing costs) to third parties such as appraisers, credit reporting firms, and government agencies. These third party fees generally total between $540 and $1,400 for a $50,000 loan. Borrowers have the option to have the closing costs paid from the proceeds of the loan to avoid paying cash at settlement.