Title Advantage Banking - Meet Your Team

Click on a Title Team member to learn more.   Talk to a ProfessioNAL

Monica Tressler, Senior Vice President and Team Lead, Treasury Management and Commercial Banking, Sandy Spring Bank
Senior Vice President and Team Lead, Treasury Management and Commercial Banking
Alex Chacaltana, CTP, Senior Vice President, Business Development Manager, Commercial Banking, Sandy Spring Bank
Chacaltana, CTP
Senior Vice President, Business Development Manager, Commercial Banking
Bram Berlin, Vice President, Treasury Management Sales Officer, Treasury Management and Commercial Banking Sandy Spring Bank
Vice President, Treasury Management Sales Officer, Treasury Management and Commercial Banking
Mike Pontikis, Vice President, Treasury Management Sales Officer, Treasury Management and Commercial Banking, Sandy Spring Bank
Vice President, Treasury Management Sales Officer, Treasury Management and Commercial Banking

Title Advantage Support Team

With more than 30 years of banking experience, your support team at Sandy Spring Bank is intimately familiar with the unique needs of Title companies. Our service doesn't stop at onboarding, this team of professionals will work with you to address any questions you may have.

  • Responsible for onboarding new clients as well as conducting training sessions covering all of the available Treasury Management services.
    Jessica Herrera
    Email: jherrera@sandyspringbank.com
    Phone: 800.399.5919 ext. 7341
  • Primary points of contact for any support questions and day-to-day business operations.
    Helen Williams
    Email: hwilliams@sandyspringbank.com
    Phone: 800.399.5919 ext. 7357 

    Nick Grieves 
    Email: ngreives@sandyspringbank.com
    Phone: 800.399.5919 ext. 5278