Now enjoy fewer fees, more control and convenience when you bank with us.
Based on your feedback and our commitment to being a leading community bank, we’ve made a few updates to our overdraft and nonsufficient funds policies that we think you’ll like.
Changes to our overdraft (OD) and nonsufficient funds (NSF) policies for personal accounts as of November 1.
As of November 1, we have eliminated the following fees:
- We have eliminated the $37 NSF and unavailable funds fee for a declined or returned item due to insufficient or unavailable funds.
- We have eliminated the $5 per day Extended Overdraft Fee.
- We have eliminated the $10 Transfer Fee for overdraft protection from a linked savings account.
There will continue to be no Overdraft Fee when we determine your account is overdrawn by less than $5 after we finish processing for the day.
We’ve also reduced the number and amount of our overdraft fees:
- The $37 overdraft fee is now $29.
- The maximum number of overdraft fees per day has been lowered from 5 to 3.
Questions? Contact your community branch office or call our Client Service Center at 800.399.5919.